
Live an Independent Life with Swan Tub Chair

Home is no less than a sanctuary for most of us. A home is a place where you can relax and be yourself in a safe space. However, for the elderly, that home can eventually become a dangerous spot where they struggle to accomplish even the simplest of tasks. As their body parts become frail, they are exposed to more dangers and threats than we can imagine. Even the chores they once took for granted become a challenge for them. Take visiting the restroom, for instance, where there is a risk of slipping and falling. 


These increased dangers have given birth to various ways aimed at minimising these risks to a great extent. These include aids like lift chairs, bath safety supplies, shower and tub chairs and more. For seniors, wet floors and slippery surfaces can become a dangerous situation. If they slip and fall in the bathroom, the confined space increases the chances of them striking a part of their body on the surrounding surfaces making them susceptible to broken bones, concussions and in worse cases- fatalities. This is why it is our responsibility to think proactively and avoid any unfortunate accidents from happening.


Why is Bathtub the riskiest of all?

Because of its design, the bathtub poses one of the greatest risks to seniors. Elderly people often find it challenging to deal with high sides, slippery ceramic surfaces, streaming water, and faucets that protrude from walls. Imagine a senior suffering from arthritis of the hip or knee. If they have to get out of the tub, they must gather all their strength and balance on one leg for the other one to get out. They also need to remain upright without slipping. All of this with water makes for a perfect recipe for disaster. 

Then what can be done to protect them? The answer is simple- Swan tub chair.

The swan tub chair makes it easy and comfortable for seniors to enter the bathtub and stay under the water. 

Let us look at some of the benefits a swan tub chair can provide:



No one likes the idea of being a burden on someone. If your senior has always been an independent person all his life, it might cause him an embarrassment to ask for help to get in and out of the shower or the tub. Shower and tub chairs can restore their lost confidence, and they take care of themselves on their own without taking help from anyone else.


Safe and portable

The primary advantage of the swan tub chair is that it is portable and easy to carry, so they don’t have much of a problem taking it anywhere, and they can operate it efficiently. It also has a swivel board for them to get into the tub effortlessly. If your senior wants to visit their family over Christmas, they can easily take the chair with them and travel tension free. In this way, the aged are not exposed to risks just because they are not at home.



If a senior has already slipped and fallen in the bathroom before, they may have developed a fear of baths and showers and may refuse to even go in to avoid getting injured. This hesitance can lead to poor hygiene, which can cause many skin infections and other issues. This can sometimes snowball into something massive and become a prominent health concern. The swan tub chair can put these worries to rest. The ease and safety provided by the swan tub chairs will encourage them to hop in the tub or shower and take care of their hygiene. 


Final Thoughts

Seniors and elders are exposed to various health threats, and as their body grows weak, even the most uncomplicated tasks look monumental. For their support, various aids have been invented, and shower and tub chairs are one of them. They make the once haunting shower time an enjoyable time. Gift your senior loved one the gift of confidence with the All Care WareHouse swan tub chair. 

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